
“It wasn’t until she was born that we understood the extent of the damage cCMV caused.”

Sophia showed signs of cCMV in utero but no doctor could explain what was happening. It wasn’t until she was born that we understood the extent of the damage cCMV caused. She has had seven surgeries which includes removing cataracts from both eyes, double hip reconstruction, ear tubes, and a g-tube, among other things. The first year of her life we had 17 hospital admissions. 

Through it all, she was and still is the strongest person I know. Her smile brightens everyone’s day. Her laughter is contagious. Her spirit is pure. She loves unconditionally, and inspires others, including myself, daily. I always catch myself saying what would Sophia do? Sophia loves music, Disney, walking outside, swinging and swimming. She is a daredevil through and through. I hope that all of you (if you haven’t already) get to meet her so she can show you life and love. She is my everything and so much more. Every day I have with her is a true blessing. 

  • Shared by her mother, Bianca

